2nd-floor Shahar plaza Munshi Pulia sector 15 Indi...
IAS PCS PCS JIAS Next has a dedicated team of expert teachers that includes Basic foundation development to advance courses for PCS-J...
2nd floor Shahar plaza Munshi Pulia, Indira Nagar,...
IAS PCS IPSUPSC has proved to be a strong source of prestigious employment in country. Due to the Extreme level of competition, you...
2nd floor Shahar plaza Munshi Pulia, Indira Nagar,...
IAS PCS PCS JUPSC Civil Services Exam is one of the toughest exams for government services. It tests your thorough as well as wide-ra...
2nd Floor Shahar Plaza Munshi Pulia, Indira Nagar ...
IAS PCS PCS JSociology optional in recent years has been a preferred choice for students all-round the country aspiring for Civil Ser...
2nd floor Shahar plaza Munshi Pulia, Indira Nagar,...
PCS IAS IPSIAS Next provides the Best PCS Coaching in Lucknow because we understand the aspirants’ troubles and concerns, we offe...
Indira Nagar, Lucknow, India - 226016 Landmark:...
Accountancy Elements Of Business MathematicsTiwari Tutorials provides Engineering Entrance Coaching classes, Class XI-XII Tuition (PUC) and Class IX-X Tuition in Lu...
2nd floor Shahar plaza Munshi Pulia sector 15 Indi...
CLATCommon-Law Admission Test otherwise known as CLAT is a National Level Entrance Exam which offers UG and PG law courses. ...
2nd floor Shahar plaza Munshi Pulia, Indira Nagar,...
PCS J PCS IASOur PCS-J/APO Program is highly systematically and strategically designed so that our students have a competitive edge o...
2nd floor Shahar plaza Munshi Pulia, Indira Nagar,...
CLAT AILET LSATWe organize our classes on time and our faculty is equipped with modern study techniques and methods and we hand out a s...
2nd Floor Shahar Plaza Munshi Pulia, Indira Nagar ...
PCS J Civil Judge IASWe at IAS Next push to provide you the best of the best and support you in any way possible.Our live classes provide a b...
IAS Next has a dedicated team of expert teachers that includes Basic foundation development to advance courses for PCS-J and Law optional for UPSC CSE, along with regular Evaluation through daily Quizzes, emphasis on Answer writing, and Weekly Tests. Along with classroom courses, IAS Next also provi...
2. UPSC Exam PreparationUPSC has proved to be a strong source of prestigious employment in country. Due to the Extreme level of competition, you need the support of Best Civil services Coaching institute to crack the exam successfully with flying colours. IAS Next has dedicated team who is mainly focusing on daily curren...
3. IAS NextUPSC Civil Services Exam is one of the toughest exams for government services. It tests your thorough as well as wide-ranging knowledge. Join IAS Next one of the Best IAS Coaching in Lucknow. To achieve, Assured success, you need to prepare for this exam very thoroughly, with full dedication, focus...
4. Sociology Optional for UPSC AspirantsSociology optional in recent years has been a preferred choice for students all-round the country aspiring for Civil Services. Among Top 10 rankers in UPSC or UPPSC are from sociology every year and number goes very high in overall rankings. Approach is very simple, starting with basics and followi...
5. Best PCS Coaching in LucknowIAS Next provides the Best PCS Coaching in Lucknow because we understand the aspirants’ troubles and concerns, we offer the best of the best in everything to cover all grounds and dimension of a particularly relevant subject or topic. We provide a highly predictable, relevant, and up-to-date test...
6. Tiwari TutorialsTiwari Tutorials provides Engineering Entrance Coaching classes, Class XI-XII Tuition (PUC) and Class IX-X Tuition in Lucknow. If you are hard working and diligent with just one dream SUCCESS! I welcome you to the wonderful world of TIWARI TUTORIALS. If you really want to be successful in your life...
7. CLAT NextCommon-Law Admission Test otherwise known as CLAT is a National Level Entrance Exam which offers UG and PG law courses. Each year newly intermediate pass-out students look for opportunities in Science and commerce field but there are also many students who aspire to become lawyers or judges. We at I...
8. Best Civil Judge Coaching in LucknowOur PCS-J/APO Program is highly systematically and strategically designed so that our students have a competitive edge over other Judiciary Exam Preparation candidates. IAS NEXT completely analyzed trends of the Judiciary examination & develop an effective understanding of the syllabus that enables...
9. CLAT NextWe organize our classes on time and our faculty is equipped with modern study techniques and methods and we hand out a short crisp and precise study material that is designed in a manner best suited for studying and revision and we also provide mock papers to strengthen your preparation so that you ...
10. Top Institute for JudiciaryWe at IAS Next push to provide you the best of the best and support you in any way possible.Our live classes provide a basic facility to interact with our expert faculty. Our faculties are skilled enough to handle your each and every doubt. These faculties are some of the skilled law educators in In...